Archive for March, 2009

The Gherkin

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

I’ve wanted to get out and take a few shots of The Gherkin for a while now and finally got off my ass and made it happen.  Unfortunately, I had forgotten how much lighter it is in the evenings and didn’t leave myself enough time to wait for dusk, so there aren’t enough lights on for my liking.  Fortunately, it’s only about a 20 minute walk from home so I can always go back and try again!

Anyways, here are a few photos and the rest are in the gallery.

Skiing in Italy

Sunday, March 29th, 2009

Robert, Victoria, Min and I left work early Thursday evening to hop on board the Stansted Express (complete with self supplied champagne and mini-cakes) to catch our Ryanair flight to Turin.  From there, it was a sleepy transfer to Valle d’Aosta and the Pila ski resort.  We had some amazing spring skiing on Friday.  Sunny, empty slopes and plenty of runs to keep us all entertained (even if Min & I did get a bit lost at one point).  Day two…well, we got a lot of fresh snow on day two!  The visibility was sub-par however, but at least it kept the runs empty.

As always, the rest of the snap shots are in the gallery.