Archive for December, 2011

POTN Xmas Drinks

Saturday, December 24th, 2011

Another year has come and gone, with several fun photo meetups taking place throughout 2011 thanks to the fine folks at POTN.  This year, for a bit of a change we met up at the Winter Wonderland for a few drinks instead of the usual ‘photo-shoot come drinking fest’ that we’ve done in years past.

That’s not to say there weren’t a few camera’s on hand to capture the evening anyway.

Playing with eachothers toys is always fun!

It was a fairly relaxed evening with quite a lot of beer consumed.  We managed to stick around till the bitter end and were escorted out of the establishment by a team of security guards at the end of the evening.

Equal amounts of goodness.

Who says Beer & Photography don’t mix.  Looks like a perfect match if you ask me!

Few more images in the gallery.

Royal Observatory

Monday, December 19th, 2011

One of the things that Baba wanted to see while he was here in London was the Royal Observatory in Greenwich.  Specifically, he wanted to see the three prototype clocks that were created in order to allow people to keep time aboard ships (and thus be able to chart longitude).

It’s on the other side of London from us, so a few trains later we arrived at the Cutty Sark station and started to make our way through Greenwich Park.  It’s always a busy area with tourists and there’s quite a few good reasons.  One of which is the top of the hill makes for a great photographic spot with brilliant views of Canary Wharf dominating the skyline.

Danni and Baba pose for a family portrait.

We did a few portrait shots outside and then paid the admission fee to enter the observatory.  It’s an interesting museum of sorts, with an emphasis on nautical history which doesn’t generally interest me.  There were some interesting sights to photograph though, so that always keeps me busy.

Part of the Greenwich observatory

I think my favourite part of the experience was seeing the green laser that’s projected out along the meridian up close.  It’s really intense and you can see it for miles on the top of the hill.  It looks rather cool firing through Canary Wharf in the distance if you ask me.

Here you can see the beam across Canary Warf

After that, we were off to our favourite pub in London.  The Prospect of Whitby is a great old pub that always has excellent ales on tap and the food is pretty good as well.  We’re always sitting upstairs in the small room that used to house bare knuckle boxing matches (according to a plaque on one of the walls).   They also claim that the table nearest the window in this room was a personal favourite of Queen (or princess?  I don’t recall) Anne.

To be honest, they had me at ‘excellent ales’ anyway.

More images of the day in the gallery.

Stonehenge with Baba

Monday, December 12th, 2011

Danni’s father wasn’t all that keen on seeing the sights of the UK, so when he did have a request we made sure to take him where he wanted to go.  One of those places was to Stonehenge.  I’ve visited ‘the henge’ a few times in the past but it’s always a cool visit even if it doesn’t change much from year to year.

Danni and Baba

Baba forgot to bring a winter hat, so he borrowed the one I picked up in Bulgaria as a bit of a joke.  Oddly enough, it really suited him and he looked like a Chinese military dignitary visiting the UK.  Not that that got us any sort of entry discount or anything.

Some stonhenge silhouettes

It was fairly chilly, windy and threatening to rain during our rather short visit.  We made the requisite lap around the columns and then hopped into our little rental car and made a dash for nearby Salisbury for lunch and a traditional English pint or two.  Ok, only one for me given that I was driving (Oh how I miss the BVI on days like this).

We stopped for lunch at the Mill

We found a spot called The Mill, which looked full of character on the outside but was more of a run-of-the-mill (no pun intended) Wetherspoons style pub inside.  Decent food and beer, but generally on the soulless side.  We’d taken Baba to better pubs during his visit to London, so I wasn’t too concerned that he’d paint all UK pubs with the paintbrush found here.

All in all it was a nice day out and it’s always fun to show family the sites of my current home.  There are several more photos from the day in the gallery.