Archive for May, 2011

Kew Gardens

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

With whole weekends off lately, Danni and I have been venturing out (weather permitting) to explore bits of London near my new flat.  This weekend we hoped on a bus to Kew Gardens to stretch our legs and get a psudo-countryside experience in the heart of London.

Obviously the camera came along for our trip out, but I tried not to take too many typical flower shots as my photo a day project seems to be filling up with them.

The weather wasn’t ideal and it started to rain by the end of the day, but we managed to see a large portion of the gardens.  I can’t go there without visiting the Japanese corner with their traditional gardening style and the massive pagoda.

Summer is fast approaching, but there were still an awful lot of ‘spring chicks’ around.  I got to hang out with a few of my fellow Canadians who were also enjoying the park.

The day ended with a healthy meal and a pint of delicious Kew Gold at a local pub while we waited out the rain, which never did end.

There are a couple more photos in the gallery as is the tradition around here.

Prohibition Party

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

My new friend and fellow photo enthusiast Ted Chan invited me along to a party he was shooting as part of his bid to take over the world efforts to expand his photographic knowledge.  As I hadn’t known Ted for very long and as we’d only ever spoken about shooting when we did see each other, I made the rather embarrassing mistake of assuming Ted was inviting me along to help him shoot the event.

This was not the case.

Fortunately, he was a really good sport about it all and cleared things with the promoter so that I was allowed to help cover the event (given that I’d brought along the heavy camera gear anyway, I was thankful).

The event itself was put on by a promotions company, who from what I gather have done quite a few of these events in the past and they’ve always been very successful.  This one was sold out when I checked the website almost a month before it was to be put on.

Obviously, I’ve gone with a very different processing style for these images.  I processed them all normally, but I just didn’t think it really fit.  Something a bit more vintage was in order.  It may be a little over done on the grain, but I was happy with the results overall.

The costumes there were amazing and everyone was really keen to get their photos done.  I even had quite a few people grab me as I walked past asking to have their photos done.  Which was ideal given my usual crippling shyness in asking people if it’s ok for me to take their photos…

There are a few more vintage images in the gallery here, and the images are duplicated here without the extreme processing.