Archive for November, 2011

Fais Farewell Party

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

I still remember watching the final episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation huddled in a huddled in a basement with a half dozen or so friends and the sad feelings I had when the title screen rolled.

‘All good things…’

It was the only thing I could think of when my best friend and nerd-in-arms Robert told me he was packing up and moving back to Australia with his wife and impending child.  After recovering from the heartbreak, we (our mutual friends) decided we’d best through a farewell party for our favourite couple.

Nothing like making Robert just a little bit uncomfortable.

Alex managed to hire the campest ‘Australian Life Guard’ to come and sing/entertain the group for about half an hour, which lent to the perfect combination of a giggling and embarrassed couple.

Everyone got into the spirit

We had decked out the place with all manner of Aussie decorations, flags and the pinnacle of Austrailiadom: Fosters.  We also had a bottle of two of Robert’s personal favourite tipple that were quickly consumed.

The whole group poses for a farewell shot.

It was a lovely evening that ended too soon, but fortunately with the marvels of modern technology this isn’t the end of our friendship at all.

Quite unlike like my childhood favourite: TNG.

There are a few more party photos in the gallery.

Remembrance Day

Sunday, November 13th, 2011

It wasn’t intentional, but we happened to be in and around the Westminster area on Remembrance Day weekend this year.  The plan was just to do some standard sight seeing and get a few photos of Baba at the parliament buildings (which we did), but it’s always interesting and humbling to see the displays set out to mark the occasion.

A touristy image for Baba

The lawns of Westminster Abby are completely transformed for the weekend.  All along the walkways are thousands and thousands of tiny memorial crosses, divided up into the military units they represent, covered in notes, photos, mementos and words of thanks.  I’m not certain if the crosses are supposed to represent a one-to-one relationship with the soldiers who’ve died in one of the many wars starting with WWI, but I do know there are an awful lot of crosses and it certainly makes you stop and think.

A mourner at the crosses

Moving on from the Abbey we crossed the road and took a few photos of the lovely fall colours in Victoria Tower Gardens next to parliament before crossing the river at Lambeth Bridge.

Danni and Baba in the park next to Parliament

It’s a nice day out and a good walk, especially this end of Westminster as it avoids most of the major touristy areas once you’re away from parliament and the abbey.  We stopped for a bit of lunch at a cute riverside restaurant on the south bank of the Thames before gathering our things and heading back home.

There are a few more images in the gallery as always!