Archive for March, 2013

Kitchen Renovation

Monday, March 25th, 2013

So we took possession of our new home in mid February. It’s quite a small, two floor, two bedroom house but we both really like it. It definitely needed a bit of an internal face-lift though, sporting its late 80’s decor and finishings. Here is a ‘time lapse’ of our kitchen reno; commentary is in the image comments.

The original shot of our living room and kitchen.

Day one: Demo Day

Skimming the walls, cabinets arrive.

Busy day installing the cabinets

The floor is going down, some of the appliances are going in.

Dishwasher installed, ceiling & walls primed, extractor fan installed and some wiring pulled.

Not much obvious change here.

The tile is starting to go in and the track lighting has arrived (including a few holes in the ceiling)

More tile work and some boxing in of the waste water pipes.

It's starting to look like a kitchen! Underfloor heating has been installed and floor laid over top of that.

A peek around the corner a the fridge and my 2 favourite additions: the washer & dryer!

Inside the kitchen.

You can see our wine rack at the end of the counter top.

One of our pull-out shelves. The sink is acutally black and matches the counter top, it's just really dusty here.

Another space saving pull out.

The finished kitchen!

And another more arial view.

We also redid the living room at the same time.  It basically involved lying new floor and a lot of painting.

Next up is the bathroom!