Archive for February, 2011

Auto Promo Shoot

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

So I got a text from Neal this past Wednesday asking if I was up for heading back down to the Banksy Tunnel for a car/promo shoot with some friends of his.  The plan as I understood it was to photograph a couple of cars along with a few models and just have a bit of fun with it.

Given I’m less than 2 months into my 365 project and already running out of ideas I jumped at the chance.  It’s been a while since I’ve worked with models and I’ve never shot cars properly before so it sounds like a fun evening.

While I won’t say it wasn’t fun, it was quite a bit more work than I’d anticipated.  I was expecting 1 or 2 models and 2 or 3 cars, but we ended up with 5 girls and 10-12 cars of which we probably only 6 or 7.  Neal and I managed an almost assembly line style production of taking around 20 shots of each car with and without the girls, but there was little time to get the lighting down.  I used some ‘safe’ settings and we fired away but looking back I’m wishing for a hair light in a few of them.  Live and learn I guess.

Overall it was a good night.  Met some friendly people and walked away with some fun photos for the day, which is always better than yet another shot of my cat.

Thanks again to the folks at South East Customz for providing the cars and the promo girls, as well as helping to organize the shoot itself.  I don’t think we would have managed the number of shots we did without those guys lining up the cars so we could do one after another without much hassle.

There are a few more shots in the gallery.

More London Randomness

Monday, February 14th, 2011

I think I’m going to have to create an album just for shots of London, as my new project has me out quite often shooting scenes within the city. This past Saturday had me out with Lord Crawley again shooting the oft-photographed south bank including Westminster, the eye and even the Banksy Tunnel.

Another shot of the London Eye

I’ve shot the tunnel in the past, but this time I dragged along some lighting kit to do a portrait shot or two.  Lee was kind enough to be my model for the evening, which made things much easier!

Caricature of a Cartoonist

We also managed to spin a couple of orbs on the south bank, much to the surprise of the passersby out for a quiet stroll.  At one point I was worried about collecting tips as a street performer while I stood on a raised dais whirling my LED’s around.  Still, I think it was worth it and I wouldn’t have said no to a few quids worth of coins.

An orb on the south bank.

Sunday was spent with my friend Su Kim doing some portrait head shots for her London relocations website.  It was fun to do something in a psudo-professional capacity and getting a free, yummy lunch out of the deal just made my day!  We’re still in the selection process, but there should be one or two processed photos online shortly.  If not here than at the very least on my 365 site as I didn’t take any other photos that day.

A few more shots from the weekend are available in the gallery.

365 in Review, January

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

Well, it’s been a whole month since I started my Photo a day for a year project (or Projekt 365 as the cool kids are callin it).  I’ve managed the first month of this endeavor without too much trouble.  It has to be said that it’s easier to take a photo a day when you’re on holiday and for me at least, January was about 60% holiday.

The past few days I’ve actually struggled a bit for photo ideas so I’ve begun trolling other peoples projects to steal ideas for inspiration and writing down some concepts.  I’m good for the next couple of weeks at this point.

Here are just a few of my favourite images from January.  I don’t know if I’ll make a monthly post every month as it may just wind up getting annoying, we’ll see.

To see the whole month at a glance click here or to view the latest image here.  I’m also working on an RSS feed for that project which should be up shortly.

Edit: The RSS feed is now up and running here.