Archive for June, 2008


Saturday, June 21st, 2008

I’ve been playing around with some panoramas lately, here’s the first two.

They’re pretty easy to piece together in Photoshop and I like the effect, so I imagine I’ll be doing more.

POTN Meetup #2

Thursday, June 19th, 2008

A few of us from Photography On The Net went out for an evening shoot.  We started off at St. Paul’s Cathedral, moved to Paternoster Square, and then across the Millenium Bridge to try and get the sunset in.

As usual, the rest are here.


Sunday, June 8th, 2008

A rather large group of guys (15? 16 maybe?) from the Photography on the Net forums descended on Canary Wharf for a day long photography outing.

It was a blast to get out with other photogs for the day to see some of the different styles and lens choices people were using. There are some great shots turning up on the message board in a thread dedicated to the day. Check em out!

Here are a couple of mine that turned out alright, and the rest are here.

Mutiny on the Mountie

Saturday, June 7th, 2008

I managed to get a few tickets to go and watch the London Roller Girls compete against Team Canada this weekend. Brian, Clare, Robert, Victoria & I had a really good evening, though we all felt a bit dodgy bringing our Tesco bags full of booze into the community center.

With Canadian Flags in hand we were cheering like mad, but our cheers were drowned out by the London fans. In the end, the Brawlers dominated Team Canada but the final score was quickly forgotten with the help of a few pints at a local pub.

Here’s a couple of quick shots from the evening. My first vantage point was terrible as the folks in front of me were standing so most (all) of those shots included the tops of people heads. Very annoying. The second spot I wedged myself into was much better, but as it was on the corner there weren’t many action shots. Some of the portrait type photos turned out quite well though.

As usual, the rest of the series (there’s a few) can be found here.