Posts Tagged ‘leaves’

Autumn in Hyde Park

Sunday, October 25th, 2009

I spent a bit of time in Hyde Park last evening trying to capture the latest autumn colours.  I think all of the photos that got posted from this set were done with my tilt-shift lens.  It doesn’t get as much use as it should, mainly due to being a manual focus lens and the fact that I’m rubbish at manual focusing.

I thought the fact that it would require more attention from me would help to slow me down and think about what I was shooting.  It succeeded in this, but mainly it succeeded in increasing the number of out of focus photos I ended with at the end of the day.  Always a learning process, and the lesson yesterday was to bring along a tripod and use LiveView 🙂

Here are a few keepers from the day and as usual, there are a few more in the gallery.