Posts Tagged ‘pubs’

Afternoon Tea & Pubbing

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

As a first time visitor to the U.K., and indeed Europe in general, I felt a bit of responsibility to showcase some of the best aspects of the country to Melissa.  Possibly as part vindication of my chosen city of residence, but mostly just because I try to be a good host.

To that end, what could be more English than Afternoon Tea?  The venue was the classical Palm Court in the Langham Hotel, complete with a pianist for the majority of the afternoon.  What more could you want?

Our finger sandwiches.

Our plate of cakes.  I think they bring it out right away to help speed you through the sandwiches and scones.

Jam, clotted cream and scones!

When we’d stuffed our faces with more sandwiches, desserts, scones and cupcakes than I care to remember (or will admit to my trainer), it was time for a leisurely walk.  Which didn’t last long it seemed like as good an evening as any to have a bit of a pub crawl on the way home.  Turns out, there are quite a few pubs between Oxford Circus and Tower Hill.  Not to say we visited them all, but enough to make the bus ride home a little blurry.

I didn't think to take photos of the first 2 pubs, so here we are at pub #3.  The Cheshire Cheese.

Pub 5, the Hung, Drawn & Quartered.

As usual, there are a few more images in the gallery.