Posts Tagged ‘spirals’

Midnight Light Painting

Monday, June 21st, 2010

A few of the POTN crowd were out late on Saturday night in the More London area (City Hall and the immediate vicinity).  The plan was to stay up all night and get some eerie shots of an empty London when the sun started to rise at around 4am.  From a group of 6 of us, only one managed to stay up and get those sorts of shots.  I wasn’t that one.

Far too cold for this fair weather Canadian so I was back in my warm flat with a hot tea by 3am.  Respectable for an old man like myself, but not good enough to reach the initial goal.

I did however, manage to get in a bit of light painting before throwing in the towel.

Angelic Elephant


As always, there are more light painting and light orb photos in the gallery.