Posts Tagged ‘tequila’

Self Portraits

Saturday, August 29th, 2009

I’ve had a bit of a summer funk and haven’t bothered to take many shots.  I think my motivation and inspiration took a bit of a summer holiday, but I’ve promised myself to change that in the coming weeks.

Some of you may know already, but I’ve been putting together a website for my good friends who’ve recently bought up our fencing club.  It’s going through a general rebranding and concepts are still being finalized, but the club name and website address have been decided upon.  From now on, I’ll be fencing at the Central London Fencing Club.  The website should be up and running before the end of September, assuming we get completed designs in time.

Part of that process has involved me taking a few more fencing photos which I’ll get online soon (I can feel your excitement).

In addition to all of that, I decided to take a few self portrait shots this past weekend.  Mainly because I really want to start doing some more portrait style shooting and I don’t have a willing model these days, but also because I hardly ever photograph myself.  It’s challenging if nothing else.

This is sort of how I’ve been feeling over the past 2 months, although no tequila was harmed in the taking of this shot. (setup is here)

Simple 2 light setup at home for this one. I took an awful lot before I finally managed one I like.

There’s a new self portrait section of the gallery with these and future self portrait images here.