Posts Tagged ‘thames’

Tower Bridge and it’s new lights

Monday, August 20th, 2012

With Tower Bridge all dressed up for the Olympics I had to go back and get some evening shots of the new lights.  Not much to discuss, so on with the photos!

At a quarter to ten in the evening they put on a bit of a light show.  It basically consisted of of flashing the towers with multiple combinations of coloured lights.  Given the spirit of the Olympics I thought the Red, White & Blue theme worked quite well.

The gallery is here, but the images I’ve posted here comprise the entirety of the collection.  No need to explore any further!

Christmas Snow

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

Depending on how you look at it, London has been blessed or cursed with a fair bit of snow over the past few days.  For me, I love it!  It’s just hovering around freezing which means it’s not too cold to be out for a stroll or to shoot a few shots.  If you happen to have any desire to travel to or from London itself by any of the available means then it’s more akin to an extended Freddy Krueger style nightmare with very little chance of escape.

St. Katherine Docks

The Canadian in me can’t help but chuckle a little bit at these catastrophic weather events that bring tens of millimeters of snow and drag the city to it’s knees.  Back home we call this sort of weather June.

The HMS Belfast

Not one to be an ungrateful foreigner who moans about the country I feel I have to say I really do love living here.  But honestly, every year the snow falls and every year the government & transportation services look up into the sky and claim that Armageddon is at last upon us.  Everything shuts down for days while some department does a feasibility study on whether or not the country should invest in the infrastructure that would be able to handle such a mild dusting of snow.

The answer comes days after the snow is gone and is inevitably No, which sets us up perfectly to do it all again when the next blizzard arrives.

Path through the snow.

Anyway, the whole reason I was out on Saturday night (after consuming festive beverages the four nights prior) was to celebrate a friends birthday and enjoy some of the pre-Christmas spirit.  As a result, I felt at the time that my photos were a lot better than they actually were, hence all of the heavy processing to salvage a few of the shots.

The tunnel under Tower Bridge Road.

There are a couple more in the gallery as per usual.