Posts Tagged ‘wetlands’

Wetlands Trust Macro Shoot

Monday, June 14th, 2010

I spent the day with Matt, Bonnie and Lord Crawley of Crawley roaming around London’s Wetland Trust shooting all things great and small.  Of particular interest in this meet were the small things.  Lee has managed to get a few people hooked on macro photography with his daily updates of creepy crawlies (no relation) he finds on his lunch break.

It’s been ages since I’d done anything fun with my macro lens and over a year since my last visit to the trust, so it seemed like a perfect way to spend a Sunday.

I’ll be perfectly honest…if it wasn’t for Lee spotting most of these interesting critters and pointing them out to me, this album would likely be full of dull close-ups of flowers.  As it is, there are only a few dull close-ups of flowers.

There are quite a few more in the gallery here.