Posts Tagged ‘sunset’

Another trip to Tower Bridge

Monday, October 29th, 2012

I decided that while I had Ian’s 300mm lens I’d make a trip back to Tower Bridge and get some ‘close up’ shots.  It being such a long focal length I figured that my best vantage point would be from neighbouring (and very dull in comparison) London Bridge.  As it turns out, London Bridge isn’t far enough away with such a long lens so there were quite a few partial images but it was nice to get a slightly different vantage point.

Last of the evening light

I have to say I’m not a big fan of the buildings going up behind Tower Bridge, they certainly don’t add to the view.  Progress I guess?

This was shot with Ians 300mm lens while standing on London Bridge.

One of the partial views of the towers and some sunset glowing clouds.  If you look closely at the cloud line you’ll see an airplane, something Ian’s lenses can’t help but photograph.

I did a few panoramas as well, but nothing extrordinary I’m afraid.  All in all it was a rather disappointing outing, but I did come away with this bit of knowledge: if you’re ever planning on shooting Tower Bridge from London Bridge, a 70-200mm lens is just about perfect.

Couple more images in the gallery.